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牧者的話 Greetings

洛杉磯以馬內利福音教會是由一群來自中國大陸、台灣及東南亞的華人基督徒組成。在這裡,大家都願放下各樣身分背景和文化差異,只求單純地在一起追求認識耶穌基督,照著聖經的教導,大家彼此相愛,並一同領受、分享、傳揚主豐盛的恩典。我們將非常珍惜您的來訪,盼望有機會能在聚會中與您相識。 在此,謹代表洛杉磯以馬內利福音教會全體弟兄姊妹歡迎您!愿賜平安的神常與您同在。


IGCLA consists of a group of Christians with origins spanning from countries and regions across Mainland China, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia. Over here we willingly set aside various differences of background and cultures—just to pursue and deepen our understanding of our Lord Jesus Christ—and so that through Biblical teachings, we can love one another and share amongst one another the abundant grace of God in our lives. We give thanks to God for letting us meet you through the virtual realm. We truly appreciate your visit to our website, and we hope even more that we may see you at our services. Now, on behalf of the brothers and sisters of IGCLA I would like to welcome you to our church! May our God who grants peace be with you always. 


主日崇拜  Worship with us

星期日下午  Sundays  3:30 PM

23 W Foothill Blvd, Arcadia, CA 91006

© Immanuel Gospel Church of Los Angeles 2022.

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